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Volume 86:What has happened to us? A view of the state of our communities…

July 27, 2016


Two weeks ago, I penned a personal essay about my experiences as a Black youth growing up in a predominantly White community. For me to say I was overwhelmed by the response is an understatement. What I found to be most fascinating was the fact that the responses came from both Black and White readers, many […]

Volume 83: Personal and Public Reflections About Violence and African Americans

December 4, 2014


Self-preservation is a natural human response. Violence is not. Violence is learned. Violence is the expressed anger from a person/people who just want an opportunity to be and feel safe.

Volume 82: Five Traits Children Have In Common With Old People

August 15, 2014


Hello, good people! I’m going to say thank you for all of the virtual “Welcome back!” that I’m getting right now. I don’t want to waste too much time boring you with where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. Just know that posting is something that I always want to do, and I would love […]

Volume 81: The Evolution of Love

March 18, 2014


What if you put your pride, fear, and scorecard aside and just loved the people around you unconditionally? Do you think that you would get the love you need in return? Do you think that you would get more?

Volume 79: Patience or Punishment?

February 25, 2014


I realize that much of my parenting style comes from my experiences as a child - good or bad. And for those of us that had a parent who was, welllllllll, less-than-stellar, there is a tendency to swing the parental pendulum in the opposite direction, or unconsciously do exactly what they did.

Volume 71: I Hate Myself!

January 14, 2013


I’m back good people! I know it’s been a looooooog while since I’ve posted a blog, and I apologize for my absence. On the flip side, you know that quote about the heart and absence? Well, in this case, I hope it’s true. Anyway, I’ve been troubled lately. So troubled that it’s forced me to stop my […]

Volume 69: Cupcake Theory

May 15, 2012


Cupcakes have become a metaphor for life because we want our lives to always look good and be sweet. That sounds like those chocolate Easter bunnies I used to get as a kid. They were sweet and looked good, but were empty inside. Style over substance. What if we chose to be truly prolific at something other than looking like we are? What if, God forbid, we took down our walls and became mentally and emotionally intimate with one another?

Volume 68: On Turning 40…

May 11, 2012


Forty is such interesting age. It's an end and a beginning all wrapped up into one. It can be both devastating and liberating. It can cause you to recollect the past and project into the future.

Volume 66: The Bootstrap Delusion

May 1, 2012


I had a revelation the other day. Well, maybe not a revelation. Let’s just call it an astute observation with a hint of social relevance. My revelation observation came while listening to a variety of political pundits wax poetic about how “some” Americans (aka, minorities and those on the lower end of the socio-economic sphere) […]

Volume 57: Life As A Fraction

July 7, 2011


Remember when we were kids in school? Sometimes I think about that time fondly and realize how simple life was back then (although we didn’t know how simple it was until we got older). One of my best subjects as a fledgling genius was math. I was good at it and enjoyed it immensely. There were two […]