Browsing All posts tagged under »High School«

Volume 85: #BlackLivesMatter – My History in Black and White

July 12, 2016


The hardest thing I've had to deal with being an African American is not prejudice, or stereotypes, or police profiling. The hardest thing to deal with is the invisibility...

Volume 72: The Hypocrisy of Academics and Adolesence

January 30, 2013


I realized that the failure of high school education in urban and lower SES areas is the belief that expected behavior can be expressed verbally and our message will be received and processed. Why do we believe that? Why do we assume that appropriate behavior is something that we all should "know", and be able to produce instantly and perpetually? Appropriate behavior must be modeled throughout a child's life in order for them to be able to display it. Broken homes, inconsistent and nonexistant parenting, gangs and violence have all but eradicated a developing child's ability to process appropriate behavior.

Volume 54: A Question of Character

June 14, 2011


Unless you have been in another country, or deliberately avoiding any and all news sources, you know that the NBA Finals just ended. You should also know that, on our path to the coronation of “King James”, the Dallas Mavericks got in the way. Now, before you stop reading because you think this post is […]

Volume Forty-three: Confessions From High School: 20 Years Later

August 10, 2010


Well, here we are. I can’t believe that it’s been another week. I have to apologize for the brevity of my last post. It was a hectic week and I wanted to publish something. I was getting ready for my 20th Reunion at my high school and had to write a speech. For someone who is […]