Browsing All posts tagged under »Self-help«

Volume 98: Seven Seconds Can Change Your Life…

April 7, 2022


When I was in grad school, I went into counseling. One of the most profound things my counselor told me was, "Between stimulus and response, there is the freedom to choose." This resonated with me as I began to think about many of the regrets I've had over my life.

Volume 92: Bring Back Extreme Parenting

February 7, 2018


If you are a child of the 70s and 80s, you've probably experienced extreme parenting. Extreme parenting is the recognition that reason and judgement are secondary tools employed when raising children. Order, peace, and quiet are the first.

Volume 86:What has happened to us? A view of the state of our communities…

July 27, 2016


Two weeks ago, I penned a personal essay about my experiences as a Black youth growing up in a predominantly White community. For me to say I was overwhelmed by the response is an understatement. What I found to be most fascinating was the fact that the responses came from both Black and White readers, many […]

Volume 83: Personal and Public Reflections About Violence and African Americans

December 4, 2014


Self-preservation is a natural human response. Violence is not. Violence is learned. Violence is the expressed anger from a person/people who just want an opportunity to be and feel safe.

Volume 82: Five Traits Children Have In Common With Old People

August 15, 2014


Hello, good people! I’m going to say thank you for all of the virtual “Welcome back!” that I’m getting right now. I don’t want to waste too much time boring you with where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. Just know that posting is something that I always want to do, and I would love […]

Volume 81: The Evolution of Love

March 18, 2014


What if you put your pride, fear, and scorecard aside and just loved the people around you unconditionally? Do you think that you would get the love you need in return? Do you think that you would get more?

Volume 80: Niggas and Chitlins…

March 4, 2014


In my humble opinion, the use of the n-word is being debated because the previous owners are having a hard time letting go of their ability to use the word without repercussion. In layman's terms, White America is saying to Black America, "If I can't say it, you can't either."

Volume 79: Patience or Punishment?

February 25, 2014


I realize that much of my parenting style comes from my experiences as a child - good or bad. And for those of us that had a parent who was, welllllllll, less-than-stellar, there is a tendency to swing the parental pendulum in the opposite direction, or unconsciously do exactly what they did.

Volume 78: Sell-ebrity: The Real Price of Fame

February 11, 2014


As a self-professed critical thinker I asked myself, "What would I do for fame?" What price am I willing to pay for a little notoriety because, in the 21st century, it pays.....well.

Volume 73: 1718 Craven Street

April 30, 2013


On Friday, April 26, 2013 my maternal grandmother passed away. She was the last of my four grandparents to pass, and was the one that quietly played a more significant role than any of the others in my life as a child.