Browsing All posts tagged under »Social Commentary«

Volume 98: Seven Seconds Can Change Your Life…

April 7, 2022


When I was in grad school, I went into counseling. One of the most profound things my counselor told me was, "Between stimulus and response, there is the freedom to choose." This resonated with me as I began to think about many of the regrets I've had over my life.

Volume 96: Social Distancing Has Made Us More Social

April 6, 2020


At first glance, the phrase "social distancing" seems like an oxymoron. How is it possible to be "social" and "distant" at the same time? This "new normal" has placed us in a precarious position. We must now find new ways to connect with the hopes that we can continue to live in the face of uncertainty and death.

Volume 95: The Psychology of Racism

July 30, 2019


One thing I like to say is you can't apply rational thought to irrational behavior. Well this post attempts to do just that. I break down the psychology of racism from it origin and provide examples of present day use. I also explain how the complexity of the psyche makes racism difficult to undo and overcome.

Volume 94: Unpacking R. Kelly

January 15, 2019


As we ride our high horse of righteous indignation, pointing the finger of shame and judgement, we bear the blame of allowing his criminal behavior to continue. And we allowed his fame, and his celebrity, and his music to seduce us into a moral hypnosis while he systematically stalked, seduced, and raped underage girls.

Volume 93: The Paralysis of Perfectionism

November 12, 2018


How often do we pretend to be perfect? How often do we post our blessings, edit our pictures, and summarize our lives within the prism (or prison) of perfectionism? We work hard to put forth the best image of ourselves. We love to show our friends and family how special and exciting our lives have become. Isn't this the purest form of perfectionism? And, more importantly, doesn't this move us further away from truly connecting with one another?

Volume 92: Bring Back Extreme Parenting

February 7, 2018


If you are a child of the 70s and 80s, you've probably experienced extreme parenting. Extreme parenting is the recognition that reason and judgement are secondary tools employed when raising children. Order, peace, and quiet are the first.

Volume 91: #My3Cents on Mo’Nique

January 29, 2018


Mo'Nique has forced us all to examine the #TimesUp movement with her battle with Netflix. However is her situation more about sexism or simple self-sabotage? Is it #TimesUp or does she need a #TimeOut?

Volume 86:What has happened to us? A view of the state of our communities…

July 27, 2016


Two weeks ago, I penned a personal essay about my experiences as a Black youth growing up in a predominantly White community. For me to say I was overwhelmed by the responseĀ is an understatement. What I found to be most fascinating was the fact that the responses came from both Black and White readers, many […]

Volume 85: #BlackLivesMatter – My History in Black and White

July 12, 2016


The hardest thing I've had to deal with being an African American is not prejudice, or stereotypes, or police profiling. The hardest thing to deal with is the invisibility...

Volume 84: A 2nd Amendment Revelation…

July 5, 2016


I shot a gun. Yes, for the first time in my 40-plus years of living, I shot a gun. In fact, I shot several guns. I shot a rifle. I shot two handguns. I watched in amazement as the packed gun range came alive with an arsenal of weapons. I watched men with their friends, and fathers with their […]